Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Are Ephedra Alternatives Considered Safe?

They say ephedra is risky but are ephedra alternatives safer? This article will give you the gist.
Beware of “ephedra-free” weight loss supplements as these could trigger the same risky heart conditions that made the FDA ban ephedra off the market.

The banning of ephedra started a new line of supposed “safe ephedra alternatives” to weight loss supplements. Most of these contain the herb Citrus aurantium (C. aurantium) also known as Seville orange or sour orange (mostly found in orange marmalade). C. aurantium has been used in old-fashioned Chinese medicine to cure digestive problems.

But according to a new review of these products conducted by Georgetown University Medical Center researchers, there is no proof that this herb can aid in losing unwanted pounds. What’s even bothersome is the C. aurantium is packed with potential health hazards as it contains an epinephrine-like compound named synephrine which can cause high blood pressure similar to ephedra. C. aurantium is especially unsafe for those with existing heart disease.

In addition, Seville orange can also disturb the breakdown of most medicines resulting to toxic quantities of medicine in the bloodstream especially in people who are taking Coumadin (a blood thinner) and calcium channel blockers (for those with high blood pressure).

As of late, there are no adverse side effects which have been linked with the consumption of C. aurantium but scientists advise that your safety should be taken seriously. This Ephedra alternative should be evaded until such time that fleeting and lasting well-being is recognized.

The effects of synephrine in the cardiovascular system are something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Thus, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Just like ephedra, the safety of ephedra alternatives is not yet firmly established. As always check with your health practitioner before trying any weight loss product.

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