Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ephedra vs. Ephedrine: What's The Difference?

Unsure what the difference is between ephedra vs. ephedrine? Well, you’re not alone. Many are also puzzled about what makes these two different from one another. We’ll end that confusion today as we identify the two, along with their differences and similarities.


What is Ephedra?

Ephedra is a plant. It is a shrub-like pollen-producing herb that grows in many parts of the world but is generally of Chinese origin. It is also known as Ma Huang or Ephedra sinica which has been grown and used for centuries as a traditional medicine for treating asthma, sinus, breathing issues and even common cold.


What is Ephedrine?

Ephedrine is the key and active component present in ephedra sinica plant responsible for fat and weight loss. It is also referred as an alkaloid. It aids in stimulating the brain’s adrenaline receptors to cause different health benefits. 

*Anything that says “ephedra extract” doesn’t have any ephedrine. It has been obtained from an ephedra plant that is either empty of ephedrine completely.



Ephedrine has a number of benefits. It can help you lose weight and burn fat. It can also increase your body’s internal core temperature which allows you to burn more calories. Ephedrine works like an adrenaline as it releases hormones into the body which targets fat stores as these hormones become fatty acids which work as a fuel to help you lose weight, gain muscle and lose fat at the same time (beneficial for bodybuilders during contest season).

Additionally, ephedrine also curbs appetite reducing hunger pangs making it easier to stick to your diet.


Side Effects

Ephedra and ephedrine have the same side effects. They can stimulate cardiac muscle increasing heart rate and blood pressure. They ease smooth muscle opening up bronchial tubes. They can also cause anxiety, muscle aches, loss of appetite, insomnia, nausea, tremors and vertigo. Major side effects include depression, seizure and stroke. Ephedra and ephedrine supplements containing caffeine can increase chances of these lethal side effects.


Ephedra vs. Ephedrine Availability

Ephedra and its plants components are banned to date because of the reported deaths and side effects experienced by users. On the other hand, you can still buy ephedrine. But, it’s manufactured as a drug, not a dietary supplement. Click here to buy ephedra diet pills.

In retrospect, ephedra vs. ephedrine are somewhat similar though weight loss results may vary. Make sure to seek medical help before taking any of these.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Ephedra Diet Pills: A Complete Guide to Using It

Ephedra diet pills are one of the most talked about trends on the diet market at present. They may be new to you but did you know ephedra has been used to lose weight thousands of years ago? It’s a Chinese herb also known as Ma Huang that served various purposes for years. With today’s modern advances in the diet industry along with scientific research, ephedra diet pills can help you achieve your goals better than ever.




What effects can you expect?

Ephedra diet pills can help you reach your health and weight loss goals. Ephedra is known to curb appetites as well as boost energy level which is why it’s an important part of many weight loss programs and bodybuilding routines.
The results you’ll see entirely depends on how you use this diet pill. Remember, there are various factors that can help you achieve a ripped body so taking them alone will not do you much. It has to be backed with diet and exercise as well.


The Best Way to Use Ephedra Diet Pills

Always follow the directions on the bottle. Some ephedra diet pills must be taken 1 hour before every meal. This helps the body absorb ephedra and alter the way fat is processed and absorbed in the body.
Other ephedra diet pills have to be taken before certain meals or before training for optimal results. Never take this diet pill during or after a meal as your body has to be revved up first before it will produce the result you want.


What are the risks?

Ephedra diet pills contain Ma Huang which is known to cause side effects in high risk individuals. Lower your risk by consulting with your doctor first and taking it as instructed. Most people take this pill along with an ECA stack to prevent the risks of taking this product.


What is a stack?

The ECA stack is what most ephedra diet pills have in their ingredients. It stands for Ephedra, Caffeine and Aspirin. When these 3 components are taken in exact amounts, they will work together in improving your body’s metabolism for muscle gain and fat loss. 

As with any dietary products, make ephedra diet pills work for you by knowing when and how to take it.

Want to buy ephedra diet pills? Visit http://ephedradietpills.com/.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Can You Buy Ephedra Pills in The USA?

In 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration have banned the use of ephedra. But there are still a lot of questions if ephedra pills can be bought, used or sold in the USA. You probably already know that ephedra is a potent supplement to help people lose unwanted weight and burn fat. Along with diet and exercise, people from different walks of life such as athletes, bodybuilders, fitness buffs or even regular individuals wanting to lose weight have proven it to be effective. Today, we’ll give you an update on its status and where you can buy ephedra pills.


What’s The Current Status of Ephedra Pills?


As of 2014, ephedrine HCL is allowed in the US. But the government states that ephedrine and ephedrine-containing supplements have to pass stronger laws to regulate its sale. Their main targets are drug dealers as ephedra can be used to create banned substances. Unluckily, legitimate ephedra users may also have to give up using it.

Ephedrine was considered a risky substance to be made available by the FDA despite of the many clinical studies saying that it is harmless and should stay legal. The diet and weight loss supplements containing ephedrine you see being sold today are illegal this is because many confuse ephedra and ephedrine and think that ephedrine itself is also prohibited.


Finding Ephedra Pills Today


Countries such as Canada sell ephedra. But for the most part, you will have to look at cold, decongestant, sinus and other kinds of breathing prescriptions to find it. This is because ephedra is also used as a bronchodilator aside from using it to lose weight.

The FDA allows this pill to be sold in this style as long as it’s not advertised as a diet or weight loss supplement.

You can face some restrictions in buying ephedra pills as you will be asked to give identification and the amount you can buy is limited if you buy OTC sans a prescription.

Your best solution? Buy your ephedra pills overseas as it’s legal to have it shipped back to the US. Or, search for ephedra fat burners with an equal amount of synephrine. Ephedra pills with synephrine are said to be just as effective as the original ephedra pills. You may buy these pills at EphedraDietPills.com.