What is Ephedra?
Ephedra is a plant. It
is a shrub-like pollen-producing herb that grows in many parts of the world but
is generally of Chinese origin. It is also known as Ma Huang or Ephedra sinica
which has been grown and used for centuries as a traditional medicine for
treating asthma, sinus, breathing issues and even common cold.
What is Ephedrine?
Ephedrine is the key
and active component present in ephedra sinica plant responsible for fat and
weight loss. It is also referred as an alkaloid. It aids in stimulating the
brain’s adrenaline receptors to cause different health benefits.
*Anything that says “ephedra
extract” doesn’t have any ephedrine. It has been obtained from an ephedra plant
that is either empty of ephedrine completely.
Ephedrine has a number
of benefits. It can help you lose weight and burn fat. It can also increase
your body’s internal core temperature which allows you to burn more calories.
Ephedrine works like an adrenaline as it releases hormones into the body which
targets fat stores as these hormones become fatty acids which work as a fuel to
help you lose weight, gain muscle and lose fat at the same time (beneficial for
bodybuilders during contest season).
Additionally, ephedrine
also curbs appetite reducing hunger pangs making it easier to stick to your
Side Effects
Ephedra and ephedrine
have the same side effects. They can stimulate cardiac muscle increasing heart
rate and blood pressure. They ease smooth muscle opening up bronchial tubes. They
can also cause anxiety, muscle aches, loss of appetite, insomnia, nausea,
tremors and vertigo. Major side effects include depression, seizure and stroke.
Ephedra and ephedrine supplements containing caffeine can increase chances of
these lethal side effects.
Ephedra vs. Ephedrine Availability
Ephedra and its plants
components are banned to date because of the reported deaths and side effects
experienced by users. On the other hand, you can still buy ephedrine. But, it’s
manufactured as a drug, not a dietary supplement. Click here to buy ephedra diet pills.
In retrospect, ephedra
vs. ephedrine are somewhat similar though weight loss results may vary. Make
sure to seek medical help before taking any of these.